Winter Weather Update: There has been no real agreement among models during the course of the day. Winter weather is possible this week, it is something to watch but nothing to panic about yet.
Below is a map of the potential tracks the low will take. Important to remember, that small differences in the storm track make a huge difference. Track 3 along the coast favor snow for everyone west of the track. Track 1 (inland track) favors rain for most of everyone but the mountains. The track between (Green-White) favor an icy mix mess for Triad and foothills, while mountains see a beautiful snow and triangle sees a cold rain with points to the east.
I can say with confidence there will be a storm/ low this weekend, but the track and who sees rain, snow, and or ice is still up in the air.
Right now models have all solutions, meaning any can occur. Stay with us throughout the week for updates regarding this changing situation.

Pages believe in hyping the situation here that will not happen, however, there is the chance of winter weather this weekend. Yes, watching the potential for some winter weather next weekend. There is the potential we could see rain/snow and sleet-- but it's way too early to talk much.
At this time we don't seem to have a lot of moisture to work with, it could just as well be dry on Saturday or we could be seeing winter weather. Given the past, warm weather and few days below freezing soil temps are very warm. IF snow does fall it would melt which would bring down amounts, there is lots of things to iron out before then! No need to get your bread or milk, just something was are watching!