Tropical Update: We knew the break would not last long, but we would take any break we could get in the tropics. On Monday evening, the National Hurricane Center was monitoring a Tropical Wave located in the Atlantic Main Development Region that could slowly develop into a Tropical system over the next 5-7 days; it is too soon to know what, if anything will happen to this system. However, interests across the Eastern Caribbean Islands should monitor the progress of this system over the next week or so.

I am sure you'll see plenty of posts regarding this system, but it is too soon to speculate on further West impacts, if any. US impacts if ever, would be 10-14 days from now. I'll keep an on it over the coming days and pass along any updates that are needed like normal.
Thank you for sharing. I was hoping to receive an up-to-date notice. I keep wondering why I’m signed in at some point in the past and yet I don’t have continuous responses once again thanks again!